electronic arts (ea) is the world's leading independent developer and publisher of interactive entertainment software for personal computers and advanced entertainment systems such as the playstation2 computer entertainment system, the playstation, xbox video game console from microsoft, the nintendo gamecube and the game boy advance.we are a nasdaq listed company in the us with annual revenue of usd3 billions, businesses in 26 countries and more than 7,100 employees worldwide. electronic arts computer software (shanghai) co., ltd. is recruiting top talents for the positions.<br> <br>美国艺电有限公司electronic arts (ea)现在为全世界首屈一指的互动性娱乐软件制作发行商。ea的产品范围广泛,包括个人计算机游戏、sony play station 1 & 2 、xbox 电视游戏软件、任天堂gamecube、game boy advance游戏软件等等。ea 是美国纳指上市公司,年收入超过30亿美元,业务分布26个国家,全球员工人数超过7,100位。艺电计算机软件(上海)有限公司现诚聘以下所述职位。<br><br>interested parties please send your application letter and detailed resume by email:chinajobs@ea.com. should you apply for any position related with artist, pls e-mail your art works together with resume.<br>有意者请将应聘信及简历,电邮至:chinajobs@ea.com若申请任何与美工相关职位,请在邮件中附上美工作品